Friday, July 6, 2018

Best money I ever spent

This is the best money I have ever spent in my entire life! My original goal was to look “less tired”. The doctor's suggestion of a mid-cheek lift was spot on. His surgical dexterity helped enhance my favorite facial features in ways that I didn’t know were possible. What is even more incredible is that there are no scars, or telltale signs that I have “had work done”. The doctor never tried to sell himself or his services (unlike others I consulted). Instead, he was very low-key, and listened to what I hoped to accomplish with surgery, and told me how cosmetic surgery could help me accomplish that goal. He painted a realistic picture of what I could expect after surgery, and assured me that the results would look natural. He also encouraged me to talk with other patients who had had the same procedure. I appreciate the doctor’s work every time I look in the mirror.

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